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Education Summit

luisfelix1983's picture

E-learning con Opigno (Distro Drupal)

Compartir mis conocimientos y experiencias en el mundo de e-learning con Opigno que es un LMS (Learning management system) basado en Drupal.

Training the next generation of Drupal Developers

To build a strong community we need to be training new Drupal developers. Drupal has a steep learning curve. It's important that we keep attracting students to study Drupal and that we have an efficient way to make these students competent developers.

jackbravo's picture

Building small sites for the Harvard University

Some organizations need to manage a large number of websites. Universities like Harvard or the Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG) have this problem that has many heads: consistency, maintenance, development costs, complexity, different vendors. Drupal can help on many of these, but you need to be careful.

bernardoha's picture

Experiencias con Drupal en la Educación Superior Tecnológica

It is very important because I want to share what I learned in communities and then take them to the classroom. From there we put in our curriculum studies, we did institute webpage and SL events with drupal. We have graduates working in leading companies using drupal.
Es de suma importancia porque quiero compartir lo que aprendí en las comunidades y luego llevarlos al aula. A partir de ahí pusimos en nuestra currícula de estudios, hicimos la página del instituto y de los eventos de SL con drupal. Tenemos egresados que trabajan en empresas destacadas usando drupal.