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Responsive design, first steps with OMEGA

darwinbc's picture
Lunes, January 20, 2014 - 14:00
Lab 407-CEAC

English: In this workshop we will see the function and structure of omega when creating responsive design sites.
Español: En este taller veremos el funcionamiento y estructura de omega al momento de crear sitios con diseño responsivo.

Brief Description: 

English: Introductory Workshop to omega3 framework for building Web sites with responsive design, understand and work areas, and other regions. Also if we have time we will see some additional tools for Website with responsive design: Flexslider, fitvids among others.
Español: Taller introductorio al framework omega 3 para generar sitios web con diseño responsivo, entenderemos como funcionan las zonas, regiones y demás. También si disponemos de tiempo veremos algunas herramientas complementarias a OMEGA como los módulos: Flexslider, fitvids entre otros.

Speaker's Biography: 
Ing. Computer System - Manager fo Linux System at GAD Municipality from Loja (Goverment) - CEO DRW SolucioneS - Manager of Group Drupal Ecuador - Promote of Free Software at FLISOL events - Member of Software Libre Community from Loja - LOXALIBRE - Organizer of Drupal Summit Latino Loja 2013