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Knock out the Drupal Themer: Pure HTML front-ends with Knockout.js


Improvements to delievery of Web services with Drupal, in both Core and contrib, along with trends toward use of Javascript MVC frameworks, open up new possibilities for building dynamic front-ends for Drupal without the need to learn the unique Drupal theme layer. Many newcomers to Drupal will be able to use Drupal's content management tools sooner by using their existings skills more fully.

Brief Description: 

Prerequisites: To benefit from this session, you need only to understand HTML, and Creating Content Types and Views with Drupal.

This session will provide a technical over and demonstration of a technique for creating pure HTML front-ends for Drupal managed content using Knockout JS, Backbone, and JSON data.

We'll walk through:

- Setting up back end data with the RestWS and Views Data Source modules.
- KnockoutJS, BackboneJS, and Knockback, the library that blissfully marries the two.
- Adding the necessary attributes to your HTML mark-up to insert your dynamic content.
- How to compile pages with Drush to optionally include PHP output.
- Workflow recommendations including file layout in source control and automated compilation.

The notes/slides from the BADCamp 2013 presentation are published here (& attached below):

Github repo for the step-by-step walk-through:

Speaker's Biography: 
Matt has been using and contributing to Drupal since 2007. He's presented an several previous DrupalCamps, DrupalCons, and summits on a variety of technical topics, and is currently building products based on Drupal for UBM, an international media & events company.